Comparison Between Books


  1. Adeline and Jeannette both stared directly into the eyes of danger, but somehow ended up having very successful lives. What similarities are there between Jeannette and Adeline's journeys? Differences?

    1. Well, I think despite their differences, the two shared many similarities. Adeline was raised without the guidance of her parents and was often forced to figure out important life lessons for herself. In a way, Jeannette was forced to do the same thing since her parents would try to raise her in a way that made her learn the significant lessons of life on her own. Such as when Rex was teaching Jeannette how to swim, Jeannette learned to swim when her father started to let her drown so she'd have to learn how to swim in order to survive. Rex whether he meant it or not was teaching his daughter that he wouldn't be there all the time to look out for her and to teach her important morals. In Adeline's life, her parents disregarded her and cast her aside. In doing so, Adeline had little to look up to she didn't want to be like her father nor the despised step mother she despised. So, she had to find acceptance somewhere else and she found that in both school and through writing. Her will allowed her to finally earn her father's recognition allowing her to succeed.

  2. What role did the parents have in Adeline's life and in Jeannette's? How did they help her, how did they hurt her?

  3. Adeline's parents hurt her much more than they helped her. They made her feel alone, and Niang always preferred the other children over Adeline. While Jeannette's parents had trouble fulfilling her needs, they were there for her most of the time. Rex's alcoholism affected her negatively, because if he hadn't had the problem, he could have sustained a stable job and could have provided for the family. Although she lived a life of poverty, she had much more of a loving home life than Adeline did.

  4. In the two books, both parents turned out to be terrible role models to look up to. And while this appears to be a negative thing, it actually provided a living example of what Jeannette and Adeline didn't want to be. Jeannette wanted to be successful and motivated, unlike her parents. Adeline preferred equality over choosing favorites, and decided to achieve her full potential. Sure, each of their parents had some good qualities, but overall, they weren't looked up to by their children.

    1. Why weren't they looked up to by their children Connor? Good job noting that both Adeline and Jeannette were well motivated and drove themselves so they could succeed and reach their full potential.

    2. The Walls parents weren't looked up to by their children because Rex was an alcoholic who drove them into constantly moving to keep bill collectors away. Rose Mary was not looked up to either, because she had no real work ethic, and would rather sit around all day and paint than help provide for her family.
